Type in the Domain name of the site asking for login. Avoid using spaces or other unseen characters,
mixing Upper and lowercase letters, unless you can repeat it next time for sure.
Type User name or Nickname if used for identification on that site. Avoid using spaces and mixed casing as well.
Type your Master Password and password confirmation. This must be a very strong password.
Its strength determines the strength of all other generated passwords. Feel free to use something complex.
While typing it frequently, several times a day, you will easily remember it.
In case you are not satisfied with just a constant sequence and wish enormously increase your passwords protection,
there is a Secret field for the sake of your imagination. Leave it empty unless you are absolutely sure about how to use it,
and what are you going to do and remember about it.
Some sites are invalidating passwords after some period. For such cases, there is a Revision number field.
Simply increment revisions number to get the next password for that site. Remember what revision is used for each site.
Consider creating a URL with the form content auto-fill.
There is a form. If you fill it each time with exactly the same data, it will generate the same set of passwords.
The form contains: password, salt and instruction for hashing process. The output is Base64/Hex/Numeric/(Special in Policy) result from SHA3 hashing algorithm.
For example:
Form auto-fill URL
Domain: 1pwd.org
User name: guest
Password/Confirm: qwerty-is-a-bad-password?never-use-it
Secret: 1pwd
Revision: 1
The generated Standard password will always be:
W9V3wxNsgiQ2gEu (you can try it yourself)
The generated Policy (16) password will always be:
Ha3]T7F&.u~x=A*6 (you can try it yourself)
What actually happens is the following. There is a password, salt and hashing algorithm applied on the password using the salt.
All these calculations are implemented in JavaScript and there is no need to send anything over the Internet. The site is never
accessing the internet after being loaded(page opened) once or if opened locally on the computer after downloading the site from TOOLS.
Each field has it's logical role:
Password/Confirm password - is the password.
User name and
Secret - are used as salt.
Revision - changes the hashing algorithm(salt in Policy).
1. Enable the local storage use by checking the box near "
Enable Local Storage in this browser".
Warning: do not enable the Local Storage on public or temporary devices.
2. Fill the form with all the details for a Domain and User, including password to Generate, Revision and the Secret (optional).
3. Choose the "Save" option in the dropbox next to
Local Storage under revision number, and click the
Save button.
4. In the save menu, review the Form details to be saved and optionally add a Note for yourself. The note is not used in password generation. It is used only for the saved forms management. Click "Save!" button to complete the operation.
Repeat steps 2 to 4 for every new Domain and User name.
5. To load a previously saved form, choose the "Load" option in the dropbox next to
Local Storage under revision number (it is selected by default when the page is first loaded) , and click the
Load button.
6. Choose the Domain, you can use filters to find one faster if there are too many.
7. Choose the User (it will show only those in the selected Domain), you can use filters to find one faster if there are too many.
8. You can read the Note that was added when you saved this Domain/User form, and then click "Load!" button.
9. After loading a form, everything will be ready, put your master password and confirm it and the password you've used there will be instantly generated.
10. You can override an existing form details at any time by simply saving it again: repeat steps 2 to 4.
11. After modifying the Local Storage by adding new or overriding an existing Form it is strongly recommended to Export the information for the following two reasons:
11.A. To transfer this to an additional browser. You are probably using 1pwd.org from multiple common places such as mobile devices, home and office computers. In order to share the newly saved or updated Form with other Devices you must Export it in a form of file or text, and then import it on the other device.
11.B. To backup or view with other tools. It is recommended to save the forms information in some backup location (Drive, Email, Message, Notes, etc...). So if your browser gets reset or kaput, you will not lose the Forms data.
12. Choose the "Export" option in the dropbox next to
Local Storage under revision number, and click the
Export button.
13. Select a format to export the Forms and click the "Export!" button. JSON is more readable, while CSV is supported by many applications such as Excel and Google Sheets.
14. The text including all the data stored in your browser Local Storage will be generated in the textbox. You can review the content and perform one of the following:
14.A. Copy the text manually.
14.B. Copy the text by clicking the "Copy to Clipboard" button.
14.C. Download this text as a file by clicking the "Save as File" button. This file could be opened in the right application on your computer or mobile device. It will not harm, it's just a text with your information.
Note: this doesn't work as of 09/09/2022 in some browsers, including DuckDuckGo on mobile devices.
15. In order to import previously exported Forms info choose the "Import" option in the dropbox next to
Local Storage under revision number, and click the
Import button.
16. You can choose the import data format explicitly, but it is recommended to leave the "AUTO" option. There are two options to import:
16.A. Paste the previously exported text from clipboard.
16.B. Drag and drop a previously downloaded file to the text box. It will automatically fill it with the text from that file.
17. When the text is ready, click the "Import!" button to complete the operation. Only the Domains and User names in this text will be added or modified. No other data will be changed nor removed.
18. In order to change Notes or Delete entries there is an option called "Manage". Choose the "Manage" option in the dropbox next to
Local Storage under revision number, and click the
Manage button.
19. Select a Domain and/or User name with the help of filers the same way as in steps 6 and 7.
20. You can edit the Note of the selected Domain and User by:
20.A. Click the "Edit" button.
20.B. Modify the text in the textbox.
20.B. Click the "Save" button.
21. In order to delete the form info of a selected User, click the "Delete User!" button, and confirm your operation in the pop-up window.
22. In order to delete all the forms info of a selected Domain, click the "Delete Domain!" button, and confirm your operation in the pop-up window.
23. When you decide to clear all Local Storage info for all Domains and all Users in this browser, click the "Clear Local Storage" button, and confirm your operation in the pop-up window.
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